
15 KiB

System Design

In the Requirements section, we identified the need for the following smart contracts: Reputation, Bench, Forum, Work, Proposal, and Rollup.

We also identified the need for a mechanism for coordinating Rollup Post validation. To address this need, we introduce Matrix, a federated messaging protocol. Our application uses the Client-Server protocol to communicate with a Matrix Homeserver.


The following is a dependency graph, where the arrows represent one contract calling another.

flowchart BT
subgraph Core Contracts
subgraph Business Logic
Bench --> Reputation
Proposal --> Bench
Proposal --> Reputation
Work --> Reputation
Work --> Bench
Work --> Rollup
Work --> Proposal
Forum --> Reputation
Bench --> Forum
Rollup --> Bench

Reputation, Forum, and Bench can be considered core contracts. Together they provide the necessary primitives for a DAO to carry out its business.

Work, Proposal, and Rollup can be considered business logic. They allow the DAO to support arbitrarily complex use cases, according to its needs.

Future work may include utilizing the process defined by the Proposal contract to govern features of the core contracts themselves.


We can achieve the requirements of the Reputation contract as follows:

  1. Reputation may be implemented as an ERC20 token contract.

  2. transfer and transferFrom methods must be disabled, so that REP may not be transferred.

  3. Reputation internal methods (mint, burn, update) may be called only by the Bench and Forum contracts.


To achieve the Bench requirements, the contract must do the following:

  1. Define a minimum quorum

  2. Define a minimum and maximum VP duration

  3. Keep a record of Validation Pools

  4. Implement a method for initiating a Validation Pool (VP)

    1. This should be a payable contract call. The value transferred is the fee for this VP.

    2. The VP shall mint an amount of REP equal to valueTransferred * mintingRatio

      1. mintingRatio may be set statically, or may be taken as a parameter when initiating a VP. Taking mintingRatio as a parameter enables greater flexibility, but increases overhead cost per transaction. This makes mintingRatio a good candidate for being governed by a Proposal process, outlined in Future Work.
    3. Half of the minted REP shall be staked in favor of the VP, and the other half shall be staked against the VP.

      1. This ratio could be taken as a parameter or governed by a Proposal to increase the flexibility of the DAO; see Future Work.
  5. Implement a method for receiving REP stakes for/against the VP

    1. Stake should be rejected if the VP duration has already elapsed.

    2. Staking REP means that a DAO member makes an allowance for the given amount of REP to be withdrawn from their balance. The amount of the shall be recorded along with the boolean inFavor, but the REP is not to be withdraws from the sender's balance until certain conditions are met durint the evaluation of the VP outcome (explained below).

  6. Implement a method for evaluating the outcome of a Validation Pool

    1. Outcome may not be evaluated until VP duration has elapsed

      1. An exception can be made if totalStakedFor + totalStakedAgainst == totalSupply. In thise case the DAO is all-in, and there's no reason to wait before evaluating the outcome.
    2. The quorum is met if (totalStakedFor + totalStakedAgainst) * quorum[denominator] >= totalSupply * quorum[numerator]

    3. The vote passes if totalStakedFor * winRatio[denominator] >= (totalStakedFor + totalStakedAgainst) * winRatio[numerator]

    4. If the vote passes and the quorum is met,

      1. If redistributeLosingStakes is true, then (bindingPercent / 100) * totalStakedAgainst shall be distributed among the accounts who staked against the VP, in proportion to their stakes.

      2. The REP that was staked in favor of the VP during its initiation, shall be transferred to the Target Post, and propagated via the Forum Reference mechanism to the authors of the Post and its referenced Posts.

    5. If provided, callbackOnValidate should be executed, and should be passed the results of the VP.

totalSupply refers to the total amount of REP held by all DAO members.

ValdiationPoolResult Fields

Name Type
sender wallet address
votePasses boolean
quorumMet boolean

InitiateValidationPool Parameters

Name Type
postId string identifying the Target Post
duration positive integer number of seconds
quorum integer numerator, integer denominator
winRatio integer numerator, integer denominator
bindingPercent integer
redistributeLosingStakes boolean
callbackOnValidate function(ValidationPoolResult, callbackData)
callbackData bytes


To achieve the Forum requirements, the contract must do the following:

  1. Keep a record of Posts, indexed by Post ID

  2. Implement a method to add a Post

  3. Implement a recursive method to distribute Reputation to a Post's references and authors.

    1. This method must be called only by the Bench, when a Validation Pool is accepted.


To achieve the Proposals requirements, the contract must do the following:

  1. Define an attestation threshold

  2. Keep a record of Proposals

  3. Implement a method to initiate a Proposal

    1. The caller should be able to provide an optional callback to be executed when and if the Proposal is accepted
  4. Implement a method for a DAO member to attest to a Proposal

  5. Implement a method to evaluate the attestation for a given Proposal

    1. If the attestation threshold is met, begin the referendum process
  6. Implement the referendum process

    1. Initiate the VP for the current stage referendum

    2. Provide a callback to be executed when each referendum VP concludes, that advances the Proposal through the referenda stages according to the requirements.

    3. If the Proposal passes all referenda stages, and a callback was provided, the callback should be executed.


For convenience, we can define an Availability contract, as a base contract that other contracts may extend. Work contracts as well as the Rollup contract need to use this Availability mechanism.

To achieve the requirements, the Availability contract must do the following:

  1. Keep a record of Worker availability stakes

  2. Implement a method to accept Worker availability stakes

  3. Implement a method to select a Worker by random weighted selection, weighted by the amount each Worker staked.


To achieve the Work Smart Contract requirements, a work contract must do the following:

  1. Inherit from the Availability contract

  2. Define a price for the work

    1. Optionally, implement a method to initate a Proposal to change the price
  3. Implement a method for a Customer to request work

  4. Implement a method for a Worker to submit Work Evidence (WEV)

  5. Implement a method for a Customer to submit work approval/disapproval

    1. Once approval/disapproval is submitted, either initiate a Validation Pool tarageting the WEV, or submit the fee and worker's REP stakes to the Rollup contract instead (explained below).


Rather than submit every Post on-chain and conduct every Validation Pool on-chain, it is more efficient to keep a collection of Posts off-chain, and add a single Rollup Post on-chain representing multiple off-chain Posts.

With this Rollup Post, we have the opportunity to attribute credit to multiple authors, with a weight assigned to each author. We can express this weight as parts per million (PPM), for a balance between numerical precision, and ease of visual recognition.

The Rollup Post can weight authorship in accordance with the off-chain Validation Pools that have taken place. The off-chain system can fully model the Forum and Bench outlined in the Requirements section. For demonstration purposes, our prototype makes some simplifying assumptions. Work Evidence Posts (WEV) are assumed to contain no references to prior Posts. In reality, we want WEV to be able to reference prior Posts, such as those representing policies of the DAO, prior work by other DAO members, prior art outside the DAO, and so on. So, a proper implementation of this system should account for these references, just as the Forum contract must.

To achieve the Rollup requirements, the contract must do the following:

  1. Inherit from the Availability contract

  2. Keep a queue of items to be batched

  3. Implement a method to add an item to the queue of items to be batched

  4. Implement a method for the current batch worker to initiate a Validation Pool targeting a Rollup Post that represents items from the batch queue.

    1. Items must be submitted in order without skipping any items
  5. Implement a method to select a new batch worker

    1. If this method is called to replace a batch worker who has failed to submit the next batch, a Validation Pool should be initiated and the batch worker's stakes submitted in favor of the VP. The DAO members may then stake against this VP, punishing the worker who failed to submit the batch.

Off-chain Operations

As outlined in the Rollup section above, we need to define processes for handling off-chain Posts and Validation Pools. Posts are represented by a unique identifier on-chain, but the Post content is stored off-chain. So, every on-chain Post must have a corresponding off-chain Post. These off-chain posts should be visible to the public. To achieve this, we introduce a Forum API, for supporting web clients in reading and writing posts. We use Matrix as the off-chain forum database. Each Forum API instance will read the history and receive new posts using the Matrix client-server protocol.

Matrix implements a layer of encryption and identity management. We define an identity registration process, whereby a Matrix user may send a signed message asserting their wallet address. Messages from this Matrix user can then be attributed to their wallet address, and their on-chain REP can be verified as needed.

As mentioned above, Matrix serves as the Forum database. For this we use io.dgov.forum.post events. We can also use Matrix to conduct off-chain Validation Pools. For this we use io.dgov.pool.start, io.dgov.pool.stake, and io.dgov.pool.result events.

Forum API



Name Type
sender Wallet address
authors Array of tuples: (Wallet address, weight)
content String
references Array of tuples: (Post ID, weight)
embeddedData Object
signature Sender or author signature of content and embeddedData

In order to protect the integrity of the off-chain Forum, the API should verify that the Post is signed by one of its authors, or by the sender. The reason for allowing the Post to be signed by the sender rather than by an author, is to support the use case of adding a Post on behalf of its author(s).

The API should compute a hash of all input parameters except for references, and use this hash as the key for storing the Post. The hash should also be returned to the caller.

The reason for excluding references from the hash, is to support the use case of importing Posts from an existing data source. If we included the references, then to import any Posts from an existing data source, we would have to import every referenced Post, starting with the earliest, in order to compute the entire tree of references made by a given Post. By omitting references from the hash, it becomes possible to precompute the hash (a.k.a. ID) of referenced Posts that have not yet been imported.

The reason for excluding references from the signature, is to reduce the number of queries that must be made to an existing data source when importing a Post. (Specifically, when importing from the Semantic Scholar API.) If we had to include the references in the signature, there is an "N + 1 problem" to the query pattern. For each paper, we would need to perform an additional query for each of its references. A single query can't ask for the references of the references of a paper.

Note that because references is not included in the hash or signature, there is a replay attack vulnerability. Someone could read an existing Post, modify the references, and write the modified Post back to the API. The signatures will still be valid even though the references have changed, and the new references will overwrite the previous references. Note that this would only affect the off-chain record of the Post's references. If the Post is published to the on-chain Forum, it is not subject to such modification, as a Post with a given ID can only be added once. To mitigate this vulnerabliity in the off-chain Forum, we should reject a write attempt if a Post with the given ID already exists.

When a Post is written, the Forum API should send an io.dgov.forum.post event to the Matrix room. Peer nodes should listen for events of this type from other peers. When an io.dgov.forum.post event is received, the recipient should write the Post to storage just as they would if the write endpoint were called directly.

Each Forum API node should keep track of the most recent io.dgov.forum.post event received. On startup, each Forum API node should query the Matrix Homeserver for any newer io.dgov.forum.post events.


The read endpoint should accept a Post ID argument, and retrieve the corresponding Post from storage. Before sending the Post to the caller, the Forum API should verify the hash and signature, to ensure the integrity of the record.

Register Identity

Chat REP

Matrix Pools

Automated Staking

To achieve the Autonomy requirement for the DAO, Validation Pools targeting Work Evidence Posts or Rollup Posts should be automatically validated, without human intervention. This means the rules for validating a given VP and its target Post must be represented in code.

Our prototype demonstrates the simplest possible type of rule that can be applied: a Work Evidence Post is considered valid if it starts with a specific string, "This is a work evidence post". Another type of evidence we can consider is signatures from the customer, from the worker, or from reviewers.

Validation Pool

The client that each worker operates should be prepared to render a decision on each Executive Validation Pool within its specified duration. An example of such a VP is a work contract which submits a VP for each work request once completed. The client must be able to execute


User Interface

Web App



  • Imprt from Semantic Scholar
  • Import from Matrix
  • Bot Commands