import Debug from 'debug'; import {RhizomeNode} from "./node"; import {Entity} from "./entity"; import {TypedCollection} from "./typed-collection"; const debug = Debug('example-app'); // As an app we want to be able to write and read data. // The data is whatever shape we define it to be in a given context. // So we want access to an API that is integrated with our declarations of // e.g. entities and their properties. type User = { id?: string; name: string; nameLong?: string; email?: string; age: number; }; (async () => { const rhizomeNode = new RhizomeNode(); const users = new TypedCollection("user"); users.rhizomeConnect(rhizomeNode); users.onUpdate((u: Entity) => { debug('User updated:', u); }); users.onCreate((u: Entity) => { debug('New user!:', u); }); await rhizomeNode.start() const taliesin = users.put(undefined, { // id: 'taliesin-1', name: 'Taliesin', nameLong: 'Taliesin (Ladd)', age: Math.floor(Math.random() * 1000) }); // TODO: Allow configuration regarding read/write concern i.e. // if we perform a read immediately do we see the value we wrote? // Intuition says yes, we want that-- but how do we expose the propagation status? const result = users.get(; const matches: boolean = JSON.stringify(result) === JSON.stringify(taliesin); if (matches) { debug('Result matches expected: ' + JSON.stringify(taliesin)); } else { debug(`Result does not match expected.` + `\n\nExpected \n${JSON.stringify(taliesin)}` + `\nReceived\n${JSON.stringify(result)}`); } })();