
231 lines
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2024-12-22 14:17:44 -06:00
// A basic collection of entities
// This may be extended to house a collection of objects that all follow a common schema.
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// It should enable operations like removing a property removes the value from the entities in the collection
// It could then be further extended with e.g. table semantics like filter, sort, join
import Debug from 'debug';
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import {randomUUID} from "node:crypto";
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import EventEmitter from "node:events";
import {Delta, DeltaID} from "./delta";
import {Entity, EntityProperties} from "./entity";
import {LosslessViewMany} from "./lossless";
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import {lastValueFromLosslessViewOne, Lossy, ResolvedViewMany, ResolvedViewOne, Resolver} from "./lossy";
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import {RhizomeNode} from "./node";
import {DomainEntityID} from "./types";
const debug = Debug('collection');
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export class Collection {
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rhizomeNode?: RhizomeNode;
name: string;
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eventStream = new EventEmitter();
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constructor(name: string) {
this.name = name;
// Instead of trying to update our final view of the entity with every incoming delta,
// let's try this:
// - keep a lossless view (of everything)
// - build a lossy view when needed
// This approach is simplistic, but can then be optimized and enhanced.
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rhizomeConnect(rhizomeNode: RhizomeNode) {
this.rhizomeNode = rhizomeNode;
rhizomeNode.deltaStream.subscribeDeltas((delta: Delta) => {
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// TODO: Make sure this is the kind of delta we're looking for
debug(`collection ${this.name} received delta ${JSON.stringify(delta)}`);
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debug(`connected ${this.name} to rhizome`);
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ingestDelta(delta: Delta) {
if (!this.rhizomeNode) return;
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const updated = this.rhizomeNode.lossless.ingestDelta(delta);
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this.eventStream.emit('ingested', delta);
this.eventStream.emit('updated', updated);
// Applies the javascript rules for updating object values,
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// e.g. set to `undefined` to delete a property.
// This function is here instead of Entity so that it can:
// - read the current state in order to build its delta
// - include the collection name in the delta it produces
entityId: DomainEntityID,
newProperties: EntityProperties,
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resolver?: Resolver,
creator?: string,
host?: string
): Delta[] {
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const deltas: Delta[] = [];
let oldProperties: EntityProperties = {};
if (entityId) {
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const entity = this.resolve(entityId, resolver);
if (entity) {
oldProperties = entity.properties;
// Generate a delta for each changed property
Object.entries(newProperties).forEach(([key, value]) => {
// Disallow property named "id" TODO: Clarify id semantics
if (key === 'id') return;
if (oldProperties[key] !== value && host && creator) {
deltas.push(new Delta({
pointers: [{
localContext: this.name,
target: entityId,
targetContext: key
}, {
localContext: key,
target: value
return deltas;
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onCreate(cb: (entity: Entity) => void) {
// TODO: Trigger for changes received from peers
this.eventStream.on('create', (entity: Entity) => {
onUpdate(cb: (entity: Entity) => void) {
// TODO: Trigger for changes received from peers
this.eventStream.on('update', (entity: Entity) => {
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getIds(): string[] {
if (!this.rhizomeNode) return [];
return Array.from(this.rhizomeNode.lossless.domainEntities.keys());
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// How can we encode that?
// Well, we have a way to do that, we just need the same particular inputs.
// We take a resolver as an optional argument.
async put(
entityId: DomainEntityID | undefined,
properties: EntityProperties,
resolver?: Resolver
): Promise<ResolvedViewOne> {
// For convenience, we allow setting id via properties.id
if (!entityId && !!properties.id && typeof properties.id === 'string') {
entityId = properties.id;
// Generate an ID if none is provided
if (!entityId) {
entityId = randomUUID();
const deltas = this.generateDeltas(
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debug(`put ${entityId} generated deltas:`, JSON.stringify(deltas));
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// Here we set up a listener so we can wait for all our deltas to be
// ingested into our lossless view before proceeding.
// TODO: Hoist this into a more generic transaction mechanism.
const allIngested = new Promise<boolean>((resolve) => {
const ingestedIds = new Set<DeltaID>();
this.eventStream.on('ingested', (delta: Delta) => {
// TODO: timeout
if (deltas.map(({id}) => id).includes(delta.id)) {
if (ingestedIds.size === deltas.length) {
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deltas.forEach(async (delta: Delta) => {
// record this delta just as if we had received it from a peer
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delta.receivedFrom = this.rhizomeNode!.myRequestAddr;
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// publish the delta to our subscribed peers
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await this.rhizomeNode!.deltaStream.publishDelta(delta);
debug(`published delta ${JSON.stringify(delta)}`);
// ingest the delta as though we had received it from a peer
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// Return updated view of this entity
// Let's wait for an event notifying us that the entity has been updated.
// This means all of our deltas have been applied.
await allIngested;
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const res = this.resolve(entityId, resolver);
if (!res) throw new Error("could not get what we just put!");
this.eventStream.emit("update", res);
return res;
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// TODO: default should probably be last write wins
defaultResolver(losslessView: LosslessViewMany): ResolvedViewMany {
const resolved: ResolvedViewMany = {};
// debug('default resolver, lossless view', JSON.stringify(losslessView));
for (const [id, ent] of Object.entries(losslessView)) {
resolved[id] = {id, properties: {}};
for (const key of Object.keys(ent.properties)) {
const {value} = lastValueFromLosslessViewOne(ent, key) || {};
// debug(`[ ${key} ] = ${value}`);
resolved[id].properties[key] = value;
return resolved;
resolve(id: string, resolver?: Resolver): ResolvedViewOne | undefined {
// Now with lossy view approach, instead of just returning what we
// already have, let's compute our view now.
// return this.entities.resolve(id);
// TODO: Caching
if (!this.rhizomeNode) return undefined;
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if (!resolver) {
debug('using default resolver');
resolver = (view) => this.defaultResolver(view);
const lossy = new Lossy(this.rhizomeNode.lossless);
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const res = lossy.resolve(resolver, [id]);
debug('lossy view', res);
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return res[id];
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2024-12-21 21:16:18 -06:00