user stories: initialize DAO
Gitea Actions Demo / Explore-Gitea-Actions (push) Failing after 30s Details

This commit is contained in:
Ladd Hoffman 2024-06-10 17:10:31 -05:00
parent 7aca83714f
commit 2c1dfa6753
1 changed files with 50 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -37,11 +37,61 @@ Onboarding -->> DAO : References DAO Contract
### Initialize DAO with a single member
participant Expert
box DAO
participant Forum
participant Bench
Expert ->> Forum : Make an initial post
Expert ->> Bench : Initiate a Validation Pool, with a fee
Bench -->> Forum : VP targets initial post
Bench ->> Bench : VP passes automatically
Bench ->> Forum : Awards minted Reputation
Forum ->> Expert : Propagates Reputation
Bench ->> Expert : Distributes fee back to Expert
### Initialize DAO with multiple members
participant Expert1
participant Expert2
participant Expert3
box DAO
participant Forum
participant Bench
Expert1 ->> Forum : Make an initial post, with Expert1, Expert2, and Expert3 as authors
Expert1 ->> Bench : Initiate a Validation Pool, with a fee
Bench -->> Forum : VP targets initial post
Bench ->> Bench : VP passes automatically
Bench ->> Forum : Awards minted Reputation
Forum ->> Expert1 : Propagates Reputation
Forum ->> Expert2 : Propagates Reputation
Forum ->> Expert3 : Propagates Reputation
Bench ->> Expert1 : Distributes fee among Experts
Bench ->> Expert2 : Distributes fee among Experts
Bench ->> Expert3 : Distributes fee among Experts
### Deploy Forum API
participant Admin
participant api as Forum API
participant Matrix
### Deploy Matrix Widget