
69 lines
2.5 KiB

import { Box } from './classes/box.js';
import { Scene } from './classes/scene.js';
import { Member } from './classes/member.js';
import { Bench } from './classes/bench.js';
import { delay } from './util.js';
const rootElement = document.getElementById('validation-pool');
const rootBox = new Box('rootBox', rootElement).flex();
const scene = window.scene = new Scene('Validation Pool test', rootBox).log('sequenceDiagram');
const member1 = window.member1 = await new Member('Member1', scene).initialize();
const member2 = window.member2 = await new Member('Member2', scene).initialize();
const bench = window.bench = new Bench('Bench', scene);
const updateDisplayValues = async () => {
member1.setValue('rep', bench.reputations.getTokens(member1.reputationPublicKey));
member2.setValue('rep', bench.reputations.getTokens(member2.reputationPublicKey));
bench.setValue('total rep', bench.getTotalReputation());
// With params.lockingTimeExponent = 0 and params.activeVoterThreshold = null,
// these next 3 propetries are all equal to total rep
// bench.setValue('available rep', bench.getTotalAvailableReputation());
// bench.setValue('active rep', bench.getTotalActiveReputation());
// bench.setValue('active available rep', bench.getTotalActiveAvailableReputation());
await scene.renderSequenceDiagram();
await delay(1000);
// First member can self-approve
const pool = await member1.initiateValidationPool(bench, { fee: 7, duration: 1000, tokenLossRatio: 1 });
// await member1.castVote(pool, true, 0, 0);
await member1.revealIdentity(pool); // Vote passes
await updateDisplayValues();
await delay(1000);
// Failure example: second member can not self-approve
try {
const pool = await member2.initiateValidationPool(bench, { fee: 1, duration: 1000, tokenLossRatio: 1 });
await member2.revealIdentity(pool); // Quorum not met!
await updateDisplayValues();
await delay(1000);
} catch (e) {
if (e.message.match(/Quorum is not met/)) {
console.log('Caught expected error: Quorum not met');
} else {
console.error('Unexpected error');
throw e;
// Second member must be approved by first member
const pool = await member2.initiateValidationPool(bench, { fee: 1, duration: 1000, tokenLossRatio: 1 });
await member1.castVote(pool, { position: true, stake: 4, lockingTime: 0 });
await member1.revealIdentity(pool);
await member2.revealIdentity(pool); // Vote passes
await updateDisplayValues();
await delay(1000);
await updateDisplayValues();
await updateDisplayValues();